Friday, May 25, 2012

As the government cannot survive;Where right guaranteed are not safe guarded;

The Threat to Democracy
The threat to democracy

The threat to democracy lies in rigidity;
Not in revolutionary opinion;
It may seldom achieved by fore of violence;
The greatest danger of gradual invasion;
With the acquiescence of inert failure;
As the government cannot survive;
Where right guaranteed are not safe guarded;

The political arena has now witness a class politics not on the basis of the actual issues relating to the human problem, but on the caste basis by giving the go by to every ethic and logical perceptions simply on account of our caste affiliation.  There are the instance when a person sitting on the top of the bureaucracy  and occupying  a constitutional post as the top most authority either in the political spare or even in judicial side, he is also seen to be tempted  with the sudden impulse of having the caste affiliation as a predominating factor in governing the Nation .   We have not taken any lesson from our slavery administered by some alien forces governing the nation and still we are acting like a spoiled gambler, who has loosen every penny of his belonging and his reputation in the society, but still he is continuing to play the gamble with his life due to caste affiliation. There happens to be a tug of war between one force of identity based on religious compulsions as to demoralize the conscience of one person over the other individual.  No one is having any concern with the plight of the citizen fighting against the factor relating and responsible for natural calamity, but every one appears to be interested in adopting any means; fair or foul and that too with a flavour of caste affiliation.  Who has not become an intoxicant by tasting the juice of power but one should not consume the intoxicant under the garb of the caste affiliation as he may loose his own existence and thus be ruled out by some dictator for which the invaders have already made the prediction, while giving the power to these power intoxicant at the time of independence of our Nation. God give the good sense amongst our politician and the guardian of Hindu religion to wake prior to the time when it is not already too late.

No man can survive in isolation. There is a rule of give and take. The moment one person is inclined to accept everything as a matter of his right, the person who is inclined to give him his extra potential, withdraw the basic offer. This becomes the end of social collaboration. No country is able to survive except by the will of the people. The bitterness amongst the people may ultimately lead to a crisis on psychological level. Thus the country required the coercive method for the enforcement of law and order situation. This was on account of partition of India

In the present context of the political set-up of the country having certain global phenomenon regarding involvement of the politician at large in the nefarious activities by gaining undue prominence without any moral obligation towards the citizens to protect their human rights , there should be the persistent efforts of the people for participating into political sphere as the article of perpetuating corruption by mediocrity and thereby earning enormous money and power to be restricted   for which the person willing to sacrifice their future for the betterment of the human rights of the public may come forward . The choice of the people in political  arena for launching any political party into the power is  just like of patting the snake or Cobra . Destiny is the result of   consequences reflecting through individuals action. An urge may lead to big surge . Hell and heaven both exists in a society only the truth remains without any virtue , not with any voice. It is said that where the science ends , religion begins ; where the religion ends spiritualism starts ; where the spiritualism ends , a reality survives. These are the realities of the life in the process of evolution . the creative acts of the genius are always remain the subject matter of criticism as they are usually confronted with optionally stupidity of  other fellow citizens. There is a delicate balance between public duty and personal honour . The numerical majority leads to the destruction of benevolent leadership . The human progress do not originate in the composite brains , but it is by the wisdom of the individual personality . Thus in the search of the better human rights provided to its citizens , there is necessarily some impediments in process of evolution and advancement of society because the protection is at large in favour of those citizens who are involved through their activities towards their towards destructive approach for  advancement of the society , which is detrimental to the interest of the superior in command . Still there may not  be any compromise with the human rights conferred upon an individual.
Society is becoming more complicated. The  democracy brings with it evils of its own system . It is difficult to search a really devotes person amongst the majority. Psychological reconciliation amongst  fellow citizens to utilise every potential energy and to maintain co-ordination between fellow citizens. Civilisation begins in order , grows with liberty and ultimately perish in chaos , civil liberty  are better and save as long as  its enforcement do not bother others existence . Administrative system and judicial institutions are considered for vacillation of the purposes. There is always a conflict between opinion and rivalry of the interest. Time has come to expose the falsehood and fallacies through discussions in order to avert its global devolution. The remedy is speech, not enforced silence. The ship of progress is equipped with moral strength. We cannot remain silent spectator by observing the gradual disintegration of every institution in a democratic society. However , our potential will prove  the power to save them and to resist against evil disasters . There is no steady advance towards higher condition of progress. The opinion persists to subordinate personal interest to social interest as the vested interest are always motivated to usurp power through any means even at the cost of its own interest. Sincerity is now slave of destructive activities  and human rights are passing through the state of psychological retardation. Attitude of the public is mainly consist of denouncing the receptive norms. Moral damage is more terrible. The individual human rights enforcement is inadequately persists and thus the existing remedies are required to fresh appraisal. The entire fabric of the society is scattered and shattered , which is existing with galloping corruption. The proper assessment of legal and social condition is essential. Reason obeys itself while ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it . Freedom does not mean abuse nor liberty is a license . The survival of the human rights and individual freedom requires obedience, endeavour, honesty , truthfulness, sacrifice , discipline and character . Implementation of the strong idea requires steadfast wisdom. Such idea should burst every chain , which tends to paralyse its efforts to push forward. Most of the people tends to see nothing nor inclined to observe. They do not take the notice of evil consequences as the simplest and the cheapest attitude is apathy. The ensuring success is mostly understood at the beginning due to strong contrast   of public opinion.
The concept of Human rights relates in its immemorial antiquity from the time of inception of the Human being .Human rights advocacy is not an encroachment  upon the national sovereignty , but is an ultimate aim of state craft .The rights of men are assets to humanity and a liability of the State.  Man has created the concept of state to preserve his natural rights.
The concept of fundamental law and fundamental rights are the of spring of the natural rights . This stands above the positive Las  created by the political sovereign . The philosophical foundation of  Human right has got tremendous power and vigour . Human rights is legitimacy of democratic political order which is enshrined in most of the constitution of different countries. Rene cassin at Colloguim  has defined Human rights as “the science of human rights relates in the light of human dignity for the full advancement and development of personality of human being . Thus the human rights are such written instructions which starts from Magna-Charta -1215 , Petition of rights -1688. The French declaration of rights of citizens -1989 proclaim the natural and imperceptible rights of Man’s liberty ,property, security and resistance to oppression.
The American declaration of independence -1776 ; “ All men are created equal” ( in pursuit of the happiness as endowed by creator upon all men ).The preamble of universal declaration of human rights may be summarised at this juncture ; “ Whereas recognition of inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom , justice and peace in the world ; “whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts , which have outraged the conscience of the mankind , and the advent of a world in which human beings enjoy the freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest   aspiration of the common people ;whereas it its essential , if man is not be compelled to have recourse , as a last resort , to rebellion against tyranny and oppression , that human rights should be protected by rule of law; “whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations ;”whereas the people of the united nations have in the charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental freedoms ;whereas member states have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the united nations , the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedom; “whereas a common understanding  of these rights and freedom is of greatest importance for the full realisation of this pledge.

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